Janie is a folk artist originally from Madison, WI, focused on the creation of Immersive Theatre. After founding Birch House Immersive in 2017, Janie began to develop design and graphic skills through prop building and antique document replication - especially custom map building. These skills have now grown into a small freelance business that allows her to build websites and graphics for artists.

Janie lives in Chicago, IL.

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More about Birch House

Birch House, founded in 2017, is an arts company focused on creating new immersive works. Through Birch House’s Immersive programming, they seek to accomplish one thing: remove the barriers that typically exist between performers and audience. They extend a hand across the proscenium, inviting you, the audience, to join on equal footing in exploring (and sometimes creating) the story. They invite you to engage with the world of the play in tangible ways- exploring the space, interacting with characters (in groups and one-on-one), and completing tasks that drive the story forward and put you at the center of the experience.  


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